Submission Guidelines for e-Poster Abstracts:
Abstracts of e-Poster should be submitted to email id
The content of the abstract should be accurate, brief, clear, organized, self-contained, and in American (US) English language
Abstracts of e-Poster may be presented in both Competitive and Non-Competitive category.
The equator conference abstract checklist and sample abstract is available at this link
Preparation of Power Point Presentation for Oral Scientific Paper presentation/ e-Poster
General guidelines:
Set the slide size of the page to “On-screen show” and landscape orientation in the page set-up section (Portrait orientation will not be displayed properly). Use standard slide size (4:3). Presentations should be in Microsoft Office PowerPoint version 2010-2013 in .ppt or .pptx format only or higher version.
Use high-contrast but minimal colors for lettering (font vs background); do not place too much text on each slide. Prefer presenting data using info-graphics, tables, graphs, clinical pictures, and short key messages.
Presentations can include text, figures, charts, tables, images, and artwork but an ePoster should not include any audio, video or animation.
Do not use special fonts which are not part of the standard PowerPoint package as this will cause problems while uploading your file and will not display well during the presentation.
Total number of slides should not exceed 20 slides for oral scientific paper presentation and 6 slides for e-Poster presentation for the main content. The font style can be Times New Roman/Arial/Cambria with at least 1.5 line spacing. The font size for the slide’s title should be 32 or 36, and the main text headings 28, sub-headings 24 or 20, and the footnotes/references of size 10 to 14 (if any).